Frequently Asked Questions

The NearlyFreeSpeech.NET FAQ (*)

Non-Member (*)

Q. How do I contact the operator of services you host?

Our strict privacy policy absolutely forbids us from providing information, including contact information, about the operators of services we host in response to public inquiry. We take our commitment to our members' privacy very seriously.

Therefore, you should attempt to contact the operator directly.

In many cases, the operator has contact information on their website. That's the best way to reach them. If such information is not available, but the site has a registered domain (i.e., the site name does not end in ""), you may wish to consult the public whois information for the domain, which is generally required to include accurate contact information.

If the operator chooses not to include contact information on their site and is not using a registered domain, you may safely conclude that they do not wish to be contacted.

Please do not send us messages for members of our service, as we will not forward them; we do not have the resources to act as a go-between messaging service between site operators and people who wish to contact them, nor is it our place to second-guess their decision about how they prefer to be contacted.