Frequently Asked Questions

The NearlyFreeSpeech.NET FAQ (*)

Getting Started (*)

What is the difference between Domain Registration, DNS Service, and a web site?

Why does my domain not point to my site yet? (Or: What is an alias and why do I need one?)

What's the recommended way to install WordPress on NearlyFreeSpeech.NET?

Should I make my own backups?

How do I create a site on your system?

I uploaded a new page, but my browser still shows the old one. What should I do?

Is adding an alias to my site or creating DNS for a domain the same as registering it?

What's the easiest way to register a domain and set up a web site on your service?

After I set up, how long does it take for things to start working?

Where can I find more information about whether or not your service supports the software I want to use on my site?

How do I make a deposit?

Does it matter if filenames are uppercase or lowercase?

How do I remove a domain that is listed on my membership?

How do I delete a web site?

How do I repair permissions on my site?

If you want to reset the permissions on the files and directories on a hosted site, the following shell commands may be useful:

YourPrompt$ find /home/public -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \;

YourPrompt$ find /home/public -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \;

This will reset your files and directories to the default permissions our system would assign them under ordinary circumstances.

It will not help if files or directories are (or should be) owned by the web user.