Frequently Asked Questions

The NearlyFreeSpeech.NET FAQ (*)

Domain Name Service (DNS) (*)

Q. How do I point a NearlyFreeSpeech.NET DNS record at my dynamic home IP address?

There are a couple of ways to do this.

First, it can be done through our API, which does allow the dynamic modification of DNS records. This approach can be a bit convoluted, but many smart people have written and released scripts and libraries to help streamline the process. Searching the web for "NearlyFreeSpeech.NET dynamic dns" should produce a variety of options.

The second approach is to set up a name for your home machine with a dynamic DNS provider like (which offers a free service), or Dyn. In the case of, they will give you a name like and you can load a widget on your home computer or Internet router to keep the address up to date. Then, from our end, add a DNS record for the name you want that is a CNAME to the name they gave you; i.e. if you want to point to your home machine, and they gave you, you would add a CNAME DNS record here in your domain with a name of "www" and a data value of "" including the trailing dot.