Frequently Asked Questions

The NearlyFreeSpeech.NET FAQ (*)

Log Files (*)

Q. How do I enable my log files?

Here are the steps for enabling log files:

  1. Visit the Sites panel.
  2. Choose the site's "Short Name" to load the Site Information page.
  3. Choose "Enabled" for the access or error logs (or both).
  4. Choose "Save Changes."
  5. Wait a few minutes for the change to take effect.

If you're planning to measure any kind of statistics, enable the access log. For best results, enable it a week or so before measuring your statistics, as data from a longer period of time will produce more informative reports.

To find and debug problems with your site, enable the error log. If you ask for help with an error message received from your site, we will often ask what your error log says about it. If you do not have your error log enabled, we may not be able to help you diagnose some problems.

We also provide a rewrite log which can be enabled in the same way, but may be set to varying levels of verbosity. Do not enable the rewrite log unless you are having problems with RewriteRule directives in your .htaccess file, and disable it as soon as you fix them. Using the rewrite log will dramatically slow down your site.