Frequently Asked Questions

The NearlyFreeSpeech.NET FAQ (*)

Technology (*)

Do you support PHP? FastCGI? SSI?

What database software do you support?

What common web applications and frameworks work with your system?

Do you support TLS for member sites?

Can I use .htaccess files to customize my web server configuration?

May I install other types of server applications that are not web-based?

What type of control panel do you use?

What software can I use to access your system?

What are the most common things that do not work on your system?

Why don't you offer static IP addresses?

Does 'NearlyFreeSpeech.NET DNS' support subdomains?

What is your hosting network like?

How big is a gigabyte?

How many MySQL databases can I have?

A MySQL process can contain as many databases as you wish. You can also create multiple MySQL processes if you wish. Doing so will cost more than placing all your databases in a single process, but will increase the available resources.

For those with particularly demanding database needs, we also have hosted dedicated MySQL offerings including reserved resources and advanced features like thread pools.

What sort of spam protection does your email forwarding provide?

What kind of hardware and OS will my site be running on?

Do you support IPv6?