Frequently Asked Questions

The NearlyFreeSpeech.NET FAQ (*)

Uploading (*)

What is the connection information to upload files to my web site?

How do I upload my content to my site?

Can I access my web site via ssh?

What directory do I upload my web site's files to?

What hostname should I use for SSH/SFTP?

How do I connect to the shell with ssh?

Why do I have to enable FTP in two places to get it to work?

What is SFTP?

Can I configure my ssh connection to use a public key?

I tried to SFTP to and it failed. Why?

What are the fingerprints for the NearlyFreeSpeech.NET ssh keys?

What do I do if I have problems with FTP?

Use SFTP or SCP instead.

Our official answer to any problem with FTP is don't use FTP. Ever. For anything.

FTP support has been deprecated since 2010. It is an outdated, insecure protocol that does not work very well on the modern Internet. We will not provide any support for any problems you have while using it.

If you insist on using it anyway against our advice, you're on your own. Here are some historical notes about FTP that may (or may not) help:

What if I think the name of your ssh server is too long?

I can connect to NearlyFreeSpeech.NET just fine, so why is your SFTP or ssh server unreachable or timing out?

Is automated FTP access to the system allowed?

Is automated SSH/SFTP access to the system allowed?