Frequently Asked Questions

The NearlyFreeSpeech.NET FAQ (*)

MySQL (*)

How do I get a MySQL process?

Ok, I have a MySQL process. How do I create a database?

What is the DSN (hostname) I should use to connect to my MySQL database?

What is the difference between a MySQL process and a MySQL database?

If I lose my MySQL admin user password, can you help me get it back?

How do I access my MySQL database process from the ssh server command line?

How do I access my MySQL database from my own computer?

Where can I find more information on properly creating MySQL users?

The official documentation is here:



On our system, whatever method you choose needs to boil down to two SQL commands:

Do not specify a hostname when creating users; since we use a clustered hosting network, you cannot predict from what host a connection will originate. Also, attempts to "GRANT ALL ON *.*" will typically fail due to the lack of the FILE permission by default on admin users, and it is bad practice to grant administrative privileges to a website user. Finally, try to avoid granting ALL if you can; security is always enhanced by minimizing the privileges of website users.

What are the default databases present in my MySQL process?

Why do I have to pay for a stopped MySQL process?

When I change my member password, do my MySQL passwords change too?

Why do I get an error "Cannot log in to the MySQL server" when I try to log in to phpMyAdmin?

What does the MySQL Error Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '.../mysql.sock' (2) mean? (or socket 'please_see_the_faq')

When I try to log in to phpMyAdmin I get the error "the username was not provided." What should I do?

Why shouldn't I use my MySQL admin username from my web site?

What 'Host' value should I use when creating MySQL users?

How can I make automatic backups of MySQL?

How do I enable or disable InnoDB for my MySQL process?

How can I remove my MySQL process?

What username and password do I use to administer my MySQL process?

How do I upgrade MariaDB to a newer version?

Why do newly-created MySQL processes seem so expensive?

What does it mean that my MySQL process is "damaged?"

How do I enable or disable MySQL logs?