Frequently Asked Questions

The NearlyFreeSpeech.NET FAQ (*)

Customization (*)

What canonical name redirection settings are available?

How do I enable directory indexes for my site?

How do I create a website for the sole purpose of forwarding visitors to another website?

When should the rewrite log be used?

How do I change the text displayed for missing pages and other errors?

What should my site's canonical name be?

What is a per-alias document root?

What path should I use for .htpasswd files?

Due to the internal security requirements for the Apache web server, .htpasswd files must be referred to by an absolute path. To find this path for your site, check the "Apache Site Root" value in the "Config Information" box on the Site Information page for your site.

For example, if you have a site named example and the .htpasswd file is in your site's /home/protected directory and your Apache Site Root value is /fsxx/example, your .htaccess file might read:

AuthType Basic
AuthName "My Restricted Website"
AuthBasicProvider file
AuthUserFile /fsxx/example/protected/.htpasswd
require valid-user

Although it should be impossible to retrieve an .htpasswd file using web access*, the Apache documentation recommends that you do not store .htpasswd files inside your document root. This is why we recommend using the protected directory instead. Whatever its location, an .htpasswd file must be world readable (or, at least, readable by group "web").

*Only the specific filename .htpasswd is protected from web access. If you use password files with other names in your public directory, they may be visible from the web, which is bad.

How do I restrict which IP addresses can access my site?

How do I control redirection of HTTP visitors to HTTPS?

Can I set up more than one alias for my site?

How do I make my site fast and scalable?

What is a run script?

How do I change the server type my site uses?

How do I set up a custom server process?