Frequently Asked Questions

The NearlyFreeSpeech.NET FAQ (*)

Getting Started (*)

What is the difference between Domain Registration, DNS Service, and a web site?

Why does my domain not point to my site yet? (Or: What is an alias and why do I need one?)

What's the recommended way to install WordPress on NearlyFreeSpeech.NET?

Should I make my own backups?

How do I create a site on your system?

Note: Our Getting Started Guide provides the best introduction to getting set up on our system for new members.

To create a site:

  1. Make sure you have created and funded an account.
  2. Visit the Sites panel.
  3. In the Actions box in the upper right, choose the "Create a New Site" action.
  4. Choose a funding source (if you have more than one account).
  5. Pick a "short name" for your site.
  6. Select the "Next" button.
  7. If you have another name (or names) for your site (like and/or
    • Enter the only or most important name for the site (usually as the Canonical Name.
    • Enter any other names as an "Additional Alias." (If you have more than four, you can add the rest later.)
    • Indicate whether you want us to set up DNS for any domains associated with that name. Unless you know you're getting DNS from a third party, you probably want "Yes."
    If not:
    • You don't need to do anything on the aliases page.
    • You'll be able to access your site using its short name plus the domain For example, if your site name is example, then you have the option to access it as
  8. The remaining settings are optional; the defaults will work for almost everyone. The choice of a Production or Non-Production site may be worth reviewing, as it affects the cost of your site and what you're allowed to use it for.
  9. Select "Finish" (or keep hitting "Next") to get to the summary of site setup.
  10. Make sure everything looks good to you.
  11. Select the "Create This Site" button to make it happen.

It usually takes new sites less than a minute to get set up. Once it's ready, you can get started uploading your content.

I uploaded a new page, but my browser still shows the old one. What should I do?

Is adding an alias to my site or creating DNS for a domain the same as registering it?

What's the easiest way to register a domain and set up a web site on your service?

After I set up, how long does it take for things to start working?

Where can I find more information about whether or not your service supports the software I want to use on my site?

How do I make a deposit?

Does it matter if filenames are uppercase or lowercase?

How do I remove a domain that is listed on my membership?

How do I delete a web site?

How do I repair permissions on my site?