If your ISP changes your IP address, or you use Tor or another service that causes your web request to originate from multiple IP addresses, you may find that our system prompts you to log in again whenever your IP changes.
This is a security measure designed to prevent session hijacking. By default, all your requests must originate from the IP address you logged in from. However, if your IP address changes frequently, constantly logging in can get super annoying. So this behavior is configurable.
To review or change your session protection settings:
- Go to the Profile tab.
- In the Details box, find the Session Protection line.
- You can see the current setting on that line. To change it, select the Edit link.
You must log in from a stable IP address to make this change. This may require using an alternate connection, such as a cell phone data plan, access at work or home, a VPN, or a public library. We are not able to change this setting on your behalf.
The default setting is High, which is fine for most people. We recommend thinking long and hard before choosing a setting below Medium.