Frequently Asked Questions

The NearlyFreeSpeech.NET FAQ (*)

Member Support (*)

What is the status of my support issue?

How can I get specific software installed for my site?

What is a system problem?

Do I really have to buy a subscription membership just to get a simple question answered?

Why was my system problem report closed as "works as configured?"

What are the options available for member support?

How can I restore something that has been deleted?

Why was my system problem report closed as "not a system problem?"

What are the various responses to a system problem report?

How can I give you private feedback about your service?

Do you participate on Twitter?

How do system problem reports work?

What is an assistance request?

Why don't you provide free support?

Why don't you provide more detail in response to system problem reports?

How do I buy support points?

What if I can't figure out which support option to use?

Why does your support cost so much?

Why shouldn't I wait until I need support to set up a subscription membership?

What are support hours and expected response times?

Our standard support hours are:

Monday - Friday
1pm - 9pm US Eastern time (10am - 6pm US Pacific time)
Saturday, Sunday & Holidays
3pm - 7pm US Eastern time (12pm - 4pm US Pacific time)

During these hours, we attempt to maintain an average response time of under two hours for all assistance requests and inquiries from subscription members. Complicated requests and asset transfers between memberships can sometimes take longer, and cancellations are typically only processed once a day.

We do observe daylight saving time, although we think it's dumb and should be eliminated. If you're outside the US and want to see what time it is US Eastern time, Google will tell you.

Calling these our "standard" support hours is meant to indicate that we often respond to assistance requests and inquiries from subscription members outside these hours when we are able to do so; our goal is always to respond to member issues as quickly as possible.